3 Tips For Starting Meditation

silhouette of person sitting on bench near body of water during daytimeMeditation is a powerful habit that can help you completely transform your life. Not only can it help reduce stress but it can also increase your overall focus and promote a sense of peace in life. And even though it’s become more popular in the mainstream recently, it isn’t anything new.

People have been meditating for centuries, and there’s a good reason for it. If you’re just getting started, it can be a little daunting – especially if the first thing that comes to mind are images of incense and temples. The good news is that meditation can be practiced anywhere by anyone.

Here are some of the best tips to get you started.

Create a Meditation Space

While it stays true that you can meditate from anywhere, you might find meditation more fulfilling and comfortable if you create a meditation space. Having a dedicated area specifically for meditation can help trigger your mind into knowing that it’s time to relax and focus. Choose a quiet spot in your house where no one else will disturb you. It could be in your room or even just a cozy chair you like. Make sure you set your air conditioner or heater to a comfortable temperature.

Make sure that you’re comfortable and try to incorporate a few elements that get you into a calm state of mind. Like a fuzzy blanket or maybe your favorite pant. The more inviting and soothing your space is, the more likely you are to enjoy meditating and stick to it.

Start Small

Before you feel like you have to start meditating for hours on end, stop right there! Something as simple as 10 to 15 minutes can make an incredibly big difference on your state of mind. Start small, and stay consistent. The key is meditating every single day, even if it’s just for a short amount of time. Remember, something is better than nothing.

So, if you’re holding yourself back from meditating at all because you’re afraid of the time commitment, remember that even a few minutes is better than 0 minutes. Set a regular time every day when you’re committed to your meditation practice, and stay regular with it! Over time you can gradually increase the amount of time, and you’ll actually look forward to your meditation sessions.

Focus on your Breathing

The key to getting to a meditative state is by focusing on your breath. Pay attention to your breath and the sensation as it moves in and out of your body. Notice your chest and stomach rising as you inhale, and feel the air start to leave your body as you exhale.

Whenever you feel your mind start to wander, the key is to bring your focus back to your breath. The idea is to not think of anything, but rather to stay neutral and present. By focusing on your breath, you can avoid getting distracted and losing sight of what the purpose of meditation is.

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