One of the most important events in the lives of early Christians was the communal supper. This was a time when Christians gathered to break bread and share a cup with each other, share fellowship, and celebrate the effect of Christ on their lives. This informal ritual, described by Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:17-30 can still be a special time in the lives of Christians today.
Acts 1:8 Ministry, a Christian non-profit that equips Christians to care, share and connect people to Christ through Christian kindness, embodies the spirit of the communal supper on a daily basis. Below, the organization reflects on the significance and lasting impact of breaking bread with Christ.
It Is a Time for Sharing and Love
The ancient church was one of the few places in the ancient world where all people were equal, without rank, and simply brothers and sisters in the Body of Christ. This is why Paul expressed so much displeasure in his letter to the Corinthian Christians. The wealthy members of their church were coming to the meal early and eating everything, which they could get away with because of their social status. This resulted in a deep division among the Corinthian Christians. In his letter, Paul urged them to understand that the church is not supposed to be a place for strife, but a place for sharing and love. At Christ’s table, all are equal. It is a place for Christians to reflect His love by loving each other.
It Is a Time for Remembering His Death
At the Last Supper, the Lord bade his disciples to take the bread and cup in remembrance of Him. When Christians gather in this fashion, it is a time to remember Jesus’ sacrifice and how He purchased our deliverance from sin with His death.
It Is a Time to Anticipate His Return
Christians live in hope, always looking to the future awaiting the day of His return. The Lord’s Supper and the fellowship that comes with it is a time to look forward to and prepare for His return.
The reason that Paul wrote this letter to the early Corinthian Christians was to call them back to the core values of the church: love, sacrifice, fellowship, and remembrance of Christ. This is a lesson that is well worth paying attention to even today.
About Acts 1:8 Ministry: Acts 1:8 Ministry has been empowering Christians around the world for nearly two decades by training them to evangelize in their communities. Since its inception, the organization has worked with over 3,200 churches, groups and individuals in all 50 states in the USA and more than 100 countries around the globe.
The outreach program provides instruction, ideas, and follow-up support for every follower of Christ to become an effective evangelist. Free resources also include Christian Kindness Cards and motivational presentations.
Acts 1:8 Ministry has helped build over 130 water wells and towers in Africa, blessing hundreds of thousands of lives with clean water. As a 100% donor-supported organization, all efforts rely on generous donors who want to help spread kindness, strengthen their faith, grow the Christian church, and enrich communities.