Can Online Counseling Help in Reducing the Mental Health Problem in the US?

Mental health is becoming increasingly problematic in the United States, with rates of anxiety and depression skyrocketing compared to previous years, especially among the teenage demographic. This is creating a number of issues, but along with this a number of solutions are also being presented.

One of the solutions that has become fairly popular in the last few years is online counseling. People suffering from mental conditions can now choose from a variety of services that offer licensed counseling. In this article we’re going to discuss whether or not this form of counseling can actually be considered useful for helping to reduce the mental health issue in the United States.

The Mental Health Crisis & E-Counseling

Currently in the US, there is a great deal of difficulty bringing mental health care to all of the people who need it. Increasing rates of mental illness coupled with a mental health budget that may not be able to cover everyone in need is leading people to look for alternative solutions.

The pioneering online counseling companies recognized the need for solutions and began to create programs and applications that allow people to have a greater access to therapy and other mental health services. With the development of e-counseling, many people are now able to access therapy who may not have been able to before.

  • People who lack transportation or funding can now access counseling from their own home.
  • People who have physical disabilities can now access counseling without having to leave their home.
  • People who have a low budget can now access affordable mental health services online.
  • Youth who are worried about the stigma of mental health can now access mental health services without feeling judged.

There are many reasons that online counseling could be beneficial for helping to improve the situation in the United States.

Can Online Counseling Fill In The Gaps?

While there’s little doubt that there are a number of benefits that can be had thanks to online counseling, the question remains as to whether or not this novel form of counseling can actually help to fill the holes that have been left in the mental health care industry thanks to years of bad budgeting.

Some believe yes. Many believe that the remote nature of online counseling not only fills in these gaps but provides great infrastructure where there was none before. For example, during an online counseling session, you may be able to spontaneously invite your husband or other family members into the conversation with your therapist.

However, others believe that online therapy is simply not as effective as traditional, face-to-face counseling. Initial research suggested that online counseling might not be as effective as meeting with a therapist in person, and some believe that the only way to rectify the situation was to bring traditional counseling to more people. However, recent studies are indicating that the two different methods may actually be equally as beneficial.

In Conclusion

There is some debate as to whether or not online counseling will actually help to improve the mental health situation in the United States.

What really seems to be the issue here is not addressing the root cause of the increasing rates of mental health problem in the United States. Bringing awareness to these things – such as stress, excessive work, and dietary concerns – will uproot the problems. If e-counseling can help bring awareness to these problems, then it can certainly help the issue.

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