Anger, fear, worry, and shock are just some of the feelings and emotions we experience after being involved in a traffic accident. Depending on the severity of the accident, these feelings and emotions stay with us for a while. However, there are incidences when these feelings become stronger and alter your lifestyle. This is referred to as post-traumatic stress. Have you experienced such a situation? Well, we have compiled some tips on how to deal with post-traumatic stress after an accident.
Dealing with PTSD after Accident
Get medical attention
While this sounds quite obvious, it’s not the option most victims take. Although most car accident victims experience avoidance behavior, dissociation, and repression of thoughts, most people choose to underplay the symptoms and not seek medical attention. When you experience these and other signs of PTSD, you should seek medical attention. Cognitive-behavioral and processing therapy, EMDR, SSRIs, SNRIs are some of the available medications to help cope manage and recover from PTSD.
Hire an experienced lawyer
Some of the emotions and the thoughts that could be running through your mind are things like will you receive compensation for the car? Will you receive medical attention? Who will pay for what? All these constant thoughts could result in stress. Sadly, when you are unable to reconcile or reach an agreement with the other victims, these feelings of distress could persist. An auto accident lawyer would help you get the compensation that you deserve, especially going after personal injury claims. There are also instances whereby you assault after the accident. Renowned Nashville personal injury attorneys recommend that hiring an experienced attorney can help you seek compensation for all of your sufferings, including financial and emotional losses as well. Speak out to an attorney and medical doctor about everything that happened to get proper help.
Talk to close family, friends, and relatives
Arguably, this the most inexpensive and effective form of therapy. Your family and friends will listen and support you through the process. The reassurance you receive will help you deal with the conflicting emotions that cause stress. The best place to begin is by sharing your initial thoughts, feelings, and what you did when the accident happened. You can go over the details of the accident until you feel comfortable talking about it.
Having a daily activity to look forward to, will help distract, and shift your attention to non-accident-related matters. Regular exercise not only improves the physical health outcomes of your body but also helps with your mental health. It helps fight depression and anxiety which are major PST symptoms. The good thing is if you consider therapy, some therapists include exercise as part of the behavior activation that treats depression. If doing it solemnly, consult a doctor to advise on the best exercises depending on your age, physical problems, weight, and other health factors.
Try driving again!
Yes, part of healing from post-traumatic stress, is being able to go back to your normal life. With the therapies’ and the reassurance you are getting from your family, you should be able to try driving again. This time you can practice defensive driving. Always to drive carefully, avoid distractions, wear your seat-belts and observe all traffic rules.
Final remarks
Post-traumatic stress can be caused by so many things other than the accident. When faced in such a situation, you must understand that your reactions are normal. Don’t beat yourself up, take time to go through it and with the above tips you will back on your feet. Remember, time is the best healer!