Planning for the big day can be very stressful. But we should not forget that it is enjoyable and exciting!
If you find yourself obsessing over the process, here are some tips on how to better manage your stress levels and have fun during the preparation periods.
Give yourself a break
Sometimes we find ourselves exhausted. A constant search for perfection is an endless one because we then realize that nothing we choose is good enough.
We all want a perfect wedding, with excellent food, decorations, and rings, but there is no such thing as perfect.
Instead of obsessing over every little decision you make, try to pause for a second and think about what the wedding day is all about – two people who love each other. After the day ends, you will still love each other even if the cake was not the most beautiful you have ever seen. Try to acknowledge the small victories, like finding a wedding dress, instead of thinking whether you could find a better one.
If you are an indecisive person, here is a little tip for choosing between different options. Instead of dwelling on the appearance of an object, think about its symbolism and what it represents to you and your partner. The hardest choice you will ever have to make while preparing for your wedding break is choosing the right ring. Your wedding ring is the token of your love, and you will be wearing it for the rest of your life. Think about what you find important in your relationship with your partner. For example, if you both want a big family, find a ring that represents love and fertility. Making decisions based on your values is a better option because you will be more content with your choices.
You are not alone
Planning a wedding is an activity for two, so do not think that you should make all the arrangements yourself. A wedding is the symbol of partnership, so you should try making decisions with your partner. That way, you will likely reduce the choices, and you will always have someone to support you during stressful times.
Include your families, too! Sometimes you can be blinded by the need for perfection; if you get the third set of eyes, you will be able to make a better decision and make the process even faster and less anxious.
Try meditation
Meditation is the best practice to reduce the stress in your life, which also includes the stress of planning a wedding. If you have never tried meditation before, many apps offer guided meditation to start your journey.
Mindfulness is also a great idea. A lot of times, we are not even aware of how we are feeling or how our actions affect our emotions. Mindfulness is there to help us remember that the important thing is the present and not the future. You may find that your life has been put on pause until your wedding, and it is causing you to feel stressed or anxious.
If you love to exercise, great stress relief is yoga. It is a meditative exercise that allows you to move your body and meditate at the same time. Yoga is becoming very popular, so there are so many resources online for beginners.
Wedding preparations can be very anxiety-inducing, but with these tips, you can put the fun back into it. Spend more time with our loved ones and allow them to help you with the planning. Having support is the best way to deal with any stressful situation. Who knows, maybe you will find that this experience has made you a better and more patient person.