7 Things You Can Do for Your Newborn’s Good Health

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After months of anticipation, numerous doctor appointments, and careful planning, your little bundle of joy is finally here to fill your home with love and laughter. As much as you want to spend every waking moment doting on your baby, the uncertainty about what to do for their health and well-being can be nerve-racking. As a result of this worry, you spend countless hours researching the best baby products, learning about infant care, and understanding the behaviors and milestones of their development. Even after doing everything right, you’ll find yourself questioning your parenting skills and if you’re taking all the necessary steps to ensure your newborn’s good health.

Fortunately, you no longer have to deal with parenting blues. Follow these seven tips to give your little one the best start in life.

Schedule Regular Checkups

The initial few months are crucial for your baby’s growth and development, and regular checkups ensure everything is progressing as expected. Your pediatrician will help you monitor your baby’s growth, answer questions you may have, and provide guidance on any health issues that may arise.

Unfortunately, many families are victims of medical negligence that leads to birth injuries. These injuries can cause long-term, sometimes irreversible, health issues, such as cerebral palsy, Erb’s palsy, and shoulder dystocia.

If your baby has suffered a birth injury due to medical negligence, you have the legal right to seek justice and financial compensation. Work with an experienced attorney to file a case and receive birth injury lawsuit settlements to cover the additional medical expenses and costs of long-term care.

Breastfeed or Bottle-Feed with Care

Breastfeeding is the best nutrition for babies, as it helps promote brain development, boost their immune system, and prevent health issues. Besides the nutritional benefits, it also helps strengthen the bond between you and your baby and enhances security and comfort. So, set a feeding schedule to ensure your baby gets enough nutrients throughout the day.

Alternatively, if you’re unable to breastfeed for any reason, bottle-feeding is also an option. Ask your pediatrician for the right formula and quantity for your baby’s age. Feed your baby upright, hold the nipple correctly, and burp your baby at least once after each feed.

Maintain Hygiene and Cleanliness

Once you bring your newborn home, proper hygiene and cleanliness become your priority.

What you can do:

  • Wash your hands with soap and water whenever you handle your baby
  • Change diapers as soon as they are soiled or wet
  • Give sponge baths until the umbilical cord falls off
  • Clean your baby’s eyes, nose, and ears with cotton swabs
  • Use a warm, damp cloth to keep their face clean
  • Clip their nails regularly
  • Bath your baby in lukewarm water and pat them dry

If you have pet cats or dogs at home, maintain separate areas for them and keep the baby away from their litter box and food bowls. Also, learn the best ways to clean, sanitize, and store their feeding items for maximum safety and hygiene.

Keep Your Baby Protected from Sun Exposure

A baby’s skin is sensitive and vulnerable to sun damage. Therefore, keep them away from direct sunlight during the first six months of their life. If you are stepping out in the sun, dress your baby in lightweight clothing with a hat that covers their ears and face.

You can also use a sunscreen specifically designed for babies and apply it on their exposed skin. Pay special attention to the nose, cheeks, forehead, shoulders, and back of the hands. Look for signs of sunburns, such as redness, rash, peeling skin, or swelling. Contact your doctor before remedying the sunburn.

Provide a Stimulating Environment

Since babies are curious bundles of joy, they naturally get attracted to bright colors, new sounds, and different textures. So, create an environment that stimulates their visual, auditory, and tactile senses to keep them engaged and help promote their overall development.

You can:

  • Read stories or nursery rhymes
  • Play soothing music
  • Introduce them to new toys that are colorful and soft
  • Take them for stroller walks in parks or gardens
  • Play peek-a-boo or other simple games

However, avoid overstimulation. It can be overwhelming for the baby and can even make them cranky.

Learn to Read Your Baby’s Cues

Babies communicate through crying and body language, so it’s essential to understand their non-verbal communication. Ensure you read your baby’s cues accurately to meet their needs promptly.

Pay attention to signs such as:

  • Turning away when they don’t want food
  • Furrowing eyebrows when they are upset
  • Moving their arm or leg away when they don’t want to be touched

By understanding these cues, you can ensure that your baby is happy and comfortable.

Create a Sleeping Routine

One night, your little one might sleep for 8 hours straight, while the other night, they could wake up every hour. So, to help keep your baby’s sleep schedule regular, create a sleeping routine that works for both of you.

Some tips to do this include:

  • Put them in bed at the same time each night or when they are tired
  • Offer a soothing massage or warm bath
  • Create a dark and quiet environment
  • Keep feedings and night-time activities consistent
  • Introduce a sleep-assisting object or toy to help them self-soothe

If your baby wakes up in the middle of the night, try not to rush in and pick them up. Acknowledge their cries, but allow them to fall back asleep. If they continue crying, you can try gently rocking them or patting their back until they are relaxed. If the crying persists, look for signs of an underlying issue.


Parenting is a beautifully chaotic journey. It stresses you and takes all your energy, but you wouldn’t trade it for any other job. So, give yourself time and learn to navigate this new world with your little one.

That said, schedule regular medical checkups, create safe sleeping environments, protect them from prolonged sun exposure, and learn to understand your baby’s non-verbal communication. Feed them regularly, providing stimulating activities, and maintaining hygiene and cleanliness are other essential aspects of caring for a newborn.

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